huf puff blowin' the party out...
so last night was the HUF 4 year anniversary parlay @ azul lounge...fools are tryin' to say hyphy is over hyphy is played out bla bla bla...someone must not have told the bay because it was super hyphy last night...i think i took more pic's than i ever have before...

turner, turner, hawaiian
this girls homegirl was hattin' on my boy..."does it bother you that her boyfriend is in jail"?--hater...""--stix
this pic is upside down for a reason...because by this time i was soooooooo soooooo faded i had no buisness with a camera in my hand...
justin giggin' with some beeeezzzzzzzzzzziiiiiiieeeee....

more bezziez...did i mention there was an overwelming amount of bezziez...

my folks justin turner, and stix giggin'...
this is the free tee they were givin' out if you got there intime...which we didn't...note to everyone MAKE SURE YOU HAVE YOUR ID's before going out!!!... my ninja stix and i...super faded...
DJ DE was playin' some slappers last night... HUF SET BITCHES...

bezzie...i'm super faded...

this pic is upside down for a reason...because by this time i was soooooooo soooooo faded i had no buisness with a camera in my hand...

giggin' with one of the MANY bezziez that were there...
if it's major...

all in all it was a fuckin' off the chain night...however, i had NOOOOO place drivin' back to the town...luckly we made it in one piece...alright folks i'm off to so cal for the weekend...holla bezziez...
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