yesterday was betheriottt put on by a bunch of people i'm not gonna name right now maybe later...this was an all day event, so by the time i got to the after party at Minna Gallery my camera as well as myself were ready to go to sleep...big thanks to alex from homeroom for hookin' me up with the tickets/ vip passes, and to meg@ for gettin' me into minna, and not having to wait in line...enough jibber lets get to what you're all here for...side note...if i forget your name my bad it's not that i didn't care i'm just really bad with names...faces i'm coo with names it's in one ear and out the other...

i was pretty drunk the whole some point i hit what i like to call the "acid trip" button on my camera, so that's why some of the pictures look the way they do...i need to get a new camera, so if anyone wants to donate one to me that would be great...
more of jason's friends...
inside...i'm not sure who's on thanks to my acid tripping camera...
smoking section... 
alex and gian of homeroom just gettin' there...
that one guy, alex, murs...
the man who helped put on the riottt Kevin Editorial Director...
rush one of alex's interns...
free ice cream outside...bomb, but it was a little too cold for all that...
dan diggity ...
alex and huf crew meg@ and fresh...
living legends...this time it's not m camera...maaaad trees being blown...
see i wasn't lyin'...

karl watson and friend...
check out DJ ReUp, he came out with this ski mask "this is gonna be the new scarf...straight Hannibal Lecter style"...
gabriella and ali of mama's and one hit wonder...ali rockin' a new jacket made by one hit was made of a nice thick quilt material very nice for the night because it was freezin'...
gab and alex...

tina and i getting some "fresh air"...

one last pic of gatsby huf crew before my camera died, and i passed out...
10hrs of partying and drinking will run you down ha! stop venice...
here's jason, and one of his lady friends...

i was pretty drunk the whole some point i hit what i like to call the "acid trip" button on my camera, so that's why some of the pictures look the way they do...i need to get a new camera, so if anyone wants to donate one to me that would be great...
some kids i bought alcohol for...i know i'm a bad man...

randoms...this kid had a pretty sick mullet...
ran into paul from sgv...
outside peeps still tryin' to get in...

living legends...i was a little to close to the speaker...'>
acid trip...

they were also with am1 a young up and coming artist, but i didn't get a pic of him...however, he hooked me with one of his mix tapes "beats n bruises" which i've been bumpin' all day...check him out...

click ^
another forgotten i've gotta stop drinkin'...this kids an up and coming designer, and made this hoodie it was pretty nice up was black with gold stripes...

he also had the kicks to match...

i had my vans did michelle...
kickin' it out side with michelle ...
in the elevator with the man behind riottt...i'm not sure if anyone else knew it though...

ran into weird science on the way out to the after party...

i wanted to stay for the clipse, but they weren't going on until 11pm and i still wanted to go to the after party over at the Minna Gallery so i opted out on seeing them and went to the after party...
my favorite san fran kids (hurry up and turn 21 jason) ¢hump and tina were already there chillin'...what's on your mind ¢hump?...


YO! It's jason, put me in your links thing. I just started using my blogger...
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