Friday, September 29, 2006

it's not played if you were the first to do it...

once again...


hopefully in a couple of days my bandwidth will stop being a fat heifer...

brownie, you're doing a heck of a job. --GWB... :-/

When The Levees Broke...a Spike Lee Joint...

is this a joke?...



just some real deal shyt...

my folks vgrnts posted this up on the space, and i thought i'd share it with the rest of we've got a clip of this cat ian...ian is an oldschool NYC skate/street head who documented his travels and life in Brooklyn and abroad over the past few years...the video is quickly becoming an underground phenomenon in New York City and is spreading out’s got some crazy everyday life stuff as well as some pretty good stars the likes of Stevie Williams, Bam, Brain Wenning and a bunch of others...ian reid’s video is on sale now @ Supreme, Division East, aNYthing, Rival, NJ Skateshop, and other select retailers.

Image/Info: vgrnts

Thursday, September 28, 2006

thizzz halloween...

peep the "thizz face" face mask just in time for halloween...check out THIZZ FACE MASK for yours...

just a reminder...

if you're peepin' this just know i may go back, and edit previous posts with new/different pics, things that i remembered and forgot to post, so scroll down and check to see if there's ever anything new...also this is basically just a bunch of ramble...i'm postin' shyt that interests me whether it be skating, music, fashion, or me just sayin' i just picked my nose...this is not another hypebeast, so not all the new shyt that's goin' on is always gonna be on here...if you're expecting that then don't check it...that's it...holla bezziez

Wednesday, September 27, 2006

button up kiddies...

a loyal status fan made these for the boys over at ROGUE STATUS... oh yeah...(they're not for sale suckas)

Tuesday, September 26, 2006

stick'em up beezie...


ima break this mutha fuckah!!!!!

mj + ronaldinho + tony danza + hanson?...+ ronaldo + cuba gooding jr = me....?

lies lies lies...


pier 7 lives!!!!...

Being a skater and being from the bay i had no choice, and had to post this up...For those that didn't know Pier 7 was one of the infamous skate spots of the mid 90's that skater from the bay moved to after EMB started to get put on lock down...About two years ago Pier 7 was faced with the same fate as long metallic bars were put across the manual pads making it impossible to skate...Thanks to some hardcore, dedicated skaters these bars have been removed, and things are starting to get back to normal...This just shows the dedication that skaters have, and the will to not give up under any circumstances...Mad respect goes out to the peeps that did this...

Info/Image: Benny Gold

for the 8ball...

Fortinbras is a minor fictional character from William Shakespeare's tragedy Hamlet.

He is a Norwegian crown prince with a few brief scenes in the play, and delivers the final lines that represent a hopeful future for the Danish monarchy and its subjects. His name in French literally means "strong armed."

Due to Fortinbras' impending arrival for much of the play and because his first appearance only comes after the other players have died, are near death, or are caught in inaction, Pat Buchanan has compared the United States in World War I and World War II to Fortinbras in A Republic, Not an Empire and Where the Right Went Wrong. "America comes in like Fortinbras, after the blood-letting is over, to take charge of affairs," Buchanan said in a 2003 panel discussion.

Saturday, September 23, 2006

i need a new camera...

...i've been taken maaad pics lately, and i've come to the conclusion i need to get on point with my if someone would like to buy me one i'd appriciate it, or if you wanna contribute to the scott turner camera fund send me a message ok? so last night was the SUPER STEEZY party @ Minna Gallery hosted by BB$ x HUF x DIAMOND x MAMAS x SHALOM...and it was suuuuuupppppeeeerrrrrrrr sstttttteeeezzzzyyyyy....first off...all my tinez cats that couldn't make it you missed out...i'm not inviting you mofo's any place anymore...stop being homebodies and get out!!! least i had one road dog with me...picked up my boy young jesse...(thanks sandi for lettin' jesse come out and play)...
blunt 1 of many...

so it was poppin' from the get go folks...

of course there were plenty of beeziez...

and breakin'...

more random pics...

status'ed out...

couple new hoodies...supreme
orisue (i need this hoodie in my life)...
by 11:30 it was packed and they weren't lettin' no body in...

young jesse, hassan, yours truly...

my folks $AUCE ...

gettin' hyphy on the stage...act live...vgrnts...


this was the last pic with jesse because he pulled a houdini act afterwards...

umm lets just say by about midnight i had lost him...only to get this text this morning...sooooooo, i got lost lastt night-i went to get some food because i was hungry and i couldnt find the glass building(that was our land mark to know where the car was) ...ahh good times

blu jems was spinnin' some slappers...

this dood walked around the whole night with this sign...

folks ian from slam x hype...good lookin' on the tee's mayn...

it was all about those tall boys...

i must say it was a good night...if i saw you, and didn't say what's up my bad i was liver will never be the same...last but not least i went to the cal vs asu game today with todd..remember todd?...scroll down to see the vid...we started drinking at 9 this morning...

i left at 1/2 time...i was way too wasted to be around a bunch of prissy folks...and i'm way to tired to type yeah ROGUE STATUS ONLINE coming soon...

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