Wednesday, February 28, 2007

tony showing his true colors...

hit him up guys he's looking for a long donk....YNOT

then he got it tatt'ed...

this pussy i work with is djing this...

Tuesday, February 27, 2007


stay black...

buff monster...

gwar vs joan rivers...

yorkatrons back!!!...

Monday, February 26, 2007

city united...

the new hype...get ready...


wamp wamp...

lazy sundays...

lights camera action...

bla bla bla...i don't even like's wack, but that's how i make my money....anyway, here at the hundreds camp we had a little photo shoot for our spring which dropped this past weekend (the green "natural hoodie" i was wearing will be dropping with the rest of the line this weekend...or next i forget). we had 13th witness come out from NY to do the shoot for us...if you haven't seen his work check his's kind of a crazy site, but it's got tons of stuff so check it out....

oh yeah tabitha (m.o.b.) made the 2903852390840928mile drive with her pops futura 2000...

hollar at yah boy! no don't really...

check the rest out HERE


Friday, February 23, 2007



Thursday, February 22, 2007

7909 Rosewood Ave...

Photo: 13th Witness

my time to shine...

Well if you haven't been able to tell by now I've join on board The Hundreds sqwad doing this and that blah blah blah...Check out my first interview that's what's important here. After a 6hr drive, and 2blunts I met up with Eddie from Fast Eddies Garage. I'm not going to go into what it's about you'll just have to read for yourself. Go to The Hundreds site a click on ZINE (or just click the picture below) . Words and images all done by yours truly with a pretty sweet layout done by our man ChuHUNDREDS. I've got a few more lined up, so stay tuned for the latest.

Source: The Hundreds

Wednesday, February 21, 2007


back to SwiTch?...

what's your favorite color?...

le diskkkkkkkkkooooooo...

Yeah so the only picture I took of the night was of Vgrnts Chest hair...The ladies seem to be drawn to was my camera...

Tuesday, February 20, 2007

denim demon...

About 6 years ago, two Swedish brothers, saw a lack of denim brands in the market, creating denim for the love of it and not just to make money, and set out to create something of their own. After alot of planning and sourcing the right kind of denim and manufacturing ideals, eventually on the 19th of December last year, Denim Demon was launched exclsuively in just 8 stores, with one style and limited to just 286 pairs all individually numbered. Amazingly the line sold out in just 3 weeks! This April will see their secon launch, this time adding a second style to the range. The first style released was called Aajja, inspired by mid 40’s denim. It comes in a 13 1/4 oz white narrow selvage with very nice detailing, which you can see from the images below and after the jump.

The second style for this April, is a 14.5 oz red line selvage, still really narrow and called Aahka, this will be a slimmer cut inspired from mid 60’s and Levi’s 505 style. Produced to the same high quality as the original Aajja of course.For next autumn they will release both these styles in washed and worn in denim as well.

Source: SlamxHype via Demon Denim

slam dunk contest 2007...

rob x rogue x spy...

Image: smog check

Sunday, February 18, 2007


just got back from the Magic Trade Show in Las Vegas, and if you've never been YOU MUST GO! Not only are the latest threads shown from some of your favorite companies...the night life isn't too bad either...

we were lucky enough to have Mama's right across the way to keep us company

this has nothing to do with anything, but this girl had the fattest ass in the world...old and young people were doing double even triple takes...

poor little dillon...the whole week he was freaking out that we were going to really hurt him with him being the new guy and all...don't worry he got off easy

there are a lot more, but go to that other site to see them...peace out doooooooods

images: me (of course), smog check, ray (mighthy healthy)

Saturday, February 10, 2007

we'll make you faaaammmooouuuuussss....

stop by the shop, and become faaaaammmmmooouuuuuss 7909 Rosewood...


...for the lack of updates i'm busy doin' that other thing...go here for the hype...

graveyard music

i don't like either one of you nuckas!

Monday, February 05, 2007

le diskkkkkkkkkooooooo...

ok so i said last sunday was my last one, buuuuut the kims, and brace-face made me was still a good time though...we spent the majority of the night outside in the smoking area...i think there were like 5 people inside i don't head hurts still...someone come bring me some food at work...k...thanks....ok...less talk more flicks...

my kims...


having your parents picking you up....not a good look...

my head hurts...seriously bring me food thanks.
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